Friday 29 November 2013

With these tips, your laptop battery will last longer

Keep your laptop plugged in most of the day to keep it charged this is detrimental to the battery life.

It is not so very long ago that a colleague asked me if it was or was not doing good for the life of the batteries that power it had hung. Throughout the day in her Macbook Honestly, I did not know the answer. I thought with modern lithium - ion and lithium polymer batteries not much matter anymore unlike the nickel based hybrid batteries that were used in our mobile devices.

Maximum capacity the battery would be smaller charge capacity as it were ‘remember’. Well, I had read somewhere that it would be to them once every few months completely deflate properly for modern lithium batteries and then to recharge. 100 percent that would help calibrate electronics battery.

Wired last weekend seemed lighter on the life of the battery bank by talking. Having a battery expert Isidor Buchmann CEO of Cadex Electronics, a specialist in making battery chargers and battery test equipment told wired how you can extend its lifetime. Modern battery sharply

In a nutshell, it means that the lithium - ion and lithium polymer batteries are not depleted but not completely full of love . Under ideal circumstances, you would according to Buchman your battery recharge when it dips below 40 % capacity and pull the plug again at 80 % . According to the CEO, this sometimes prolongs the life of your battery up to four times.

His company sponsors the Battery University site where you can find. Anything you want to know about batteries According to Battery University is a battery charged to 100 percent every time , about 300 to 500 discharge cycles along as a battery charging to 70 percent between 1200 and 2000 discharges can join . The charging is only part of the story.

Modern batteries also do not like high temperatures that cause a lot of stress and also reduce the lifespan. The battery is fully charged and further subject to high temperatures is the least durable. That's according to the Battery University situatue if you use your laptop while you 're hanging out on the power. Those batteries would last an average of only two years . The best , according to the site to the plug while working to pull out and pass it back in stabbing when the battery reaches 40 percent. Then you will extend the life of your battery considerably.

However, battery technology remains something mysterious. For years, it is claimed that the modern lithium batteries do not suffer from the memory effect characteristic of the previous generation batteries. A recent study by Toyota concluded that the modern batteries, how do indeed suffer from the memory effect. To a lesser extent, So perhaps the advice once in a while completely deflate your smartphone or laptop battery and then to one hundred percent charge really helps. What are your experiences with this?

Thursday 28 November 2013

13 Tips on Choosing a Laptop

Netbook, Ultrabook or desktop replacement: When buying a portable computer wait numerous melodious product names on the consumer. What you really need to pay attention instead of these marketing terms that betrays our buying guides.
Gone are the days when laptops cost more than 1000 euro. Useful notebooks you get already for 300 to 400 euro - which you of course can still spend four figure sums (for example, the MacBook Pro Retina series of Apple). The selection is huge, and depending on the intended use, you should pay attention to different features.

The computer is mainly on the desk or take with you every day? Serves he "only" for surfing or he needs a lot of computing power for graphics editing and gaming? Help you build our buying guides determine your needs and have at the end a list of the properties that must fulfill the suitable to your notebook.

1 type
The laptop manufacturers use different marketing terms to distinguish notebook models. Netbooks are cheap small models with little computing power. Ultrabooks are slightly larger, have more power and are mainly lighter and thinner than a standard laptop. As a desktop replacement large, heavy models are called notebook, which are most of the time on the desk and are rarely moved.

Conclusion: The design is a first indication of size and features of a notebook.

2 screen Size
The screen size is critical to the size and weight of a laptop - including how handy it is. A standard notebook has a 14 to 15 inches (35.6 to 38.1 centimeter) display. So it is good for quite occasional takeaway. Ultrabooks or sub-notebooks with 11 to 13 inches (27.9 to 33.0 centimeters) wide screens, however, are for daily use on the road more suitable. 16 to 17 inches (40.6 to 43.2 centimeters) wide gaming notebook or desktop replacements you will but rarely want to wear through the area. The most ten inches (25.4 centimeters) wide netbooks are ideal for traveling. However, they are increasingly replaced by tablet PCs.

Conclusion: The screen size determines the mobility.

3 Matt or glossy display
If two notebooks with matte and glossy display next to each other, the choice seems clear. The glossy screen is clearer and has more vibrant colors on. Who but longer looking at a monitor, will notice that a matte screen is better for the eyes, especially if you travel a lot with the notebook and uses it in direct sunlight sometimes.

Conclusion: Glossy displays look more beautiful, but matte screens are easier on the eyes and do not reflect.

4 touchscreen
A touchscreen is worth a notebook only if the operating system and the daily used programs are designed for operation using finger touches. The controls are correspondingly large and the structure is built up sensible change frequently finger from the keyboard to the screen and back. Cases, the icons and menus, however small from the touchpad is still the first choice in the operation and the touch screen remains unused.

Conclusion: A touch screen gives only with the appropriate software sense.

5 Processor and graphics card
More important than the clock rates of processors are now the respective series, which potentially provides each new processor generation more power and consumes less power. The slow series are sufficient for typical Internet and office applications as well as for watching films. Who wants to edit images, and occasionally also in other programs do not like waiting, should rather enter the same in the notebook middle class. The premium chips are needed only for gamers, video editors and graphic designers.

All modern processors feature an integrated graphics chip. This has enough power for the display of Full HD video (1080p) and the most common applications. Only for games and complex graphics calculations is an extra graphics card - with its increased space, cooling and power requirements - is required.

Conclusion: High-performance processors and graphics cards require only graphic designers and gamers, all other rich normal chips.

6 Memory (RAM)
The RAM is decisive for how fast a computer runs. Less than two gigabytes of RAM should not get stuck in the new notebook. Better even four gigabytes. Eight or more gigabytes are required just for games and graphics applications.

Conclusion: Two gigabytes of RAM are the minimum.

7 weight
The lightest laptops weigh about one kilogram. However, the necessary materials for housing (e.g. aluminum) as well as its overall design make them much more expensive than the standard models with their 2 to 2.5 kilograms. Weighs the notebook even more, it should have a permanent place and are rarely worn.

Conclusion: Especially, when the mobile host goes daily on trips, it should be easy.

8 hard disk
Currently, two different types of hard drives compete in the notebook with each other, the traditional Hard Disk Drives (HDD) and the significantly faster flash-based SSD storage. HDDs with their rotating disks are significantly cheaper, but sensitive to vibration. They also develop a higher operating temperature. SSDs are faster, however, virtually noiseless and insensitive to shocks. They use less power and generate hardly any heat. A compromise form hybrid hard drives that combine a HDD and a smaller SSD. On the SSD mainly for data operations are stored that need to be accessed quickly. Only occasionally needed data is on the HDD.

Conclusion: SSD are a prerequisite for a fast and insensitive ready for use in notebook. If you are afraid the higher price gets to a device with a HDD still quite satisfactory performance.

9 drive
Do you want to watch DVDs on the laptop, of course, he must have an optical drive. Otherwise, you can also choose a model without drive. New programs are always available for download, and data that does not want to send by e-mail friends, can be easily transmitted with a UBS stick in the Internet in general.

Conclusion: An optical drive is not absolutely necessary in times of USB sticks and stable Internet connections.

10 Keyboard and Touchpad
Try the keyboard and the touchpad on a laptop before buying. Everyone here has different preferences and comes with the laptops closed for reasons of space tradeoffs differently along well.

Bottom line: keyboard and touchpad often receive little attention, but are immensely important for the daily work. Try before you buy.

11 connections
For notebooks up much less space for interfaces is available as desktop PCs. A notebook should have at least two USB 3.0 ports. About them can be external mice and keyboards and disk drives connect. Depending on your own needs should be a slot for memory cards eighth (from digital cameras), and VGA, HDMI or DisplayPort connectors - for connecting projectors and external screens. Other types of connections (eg Firewire) harm nothing, however, only rarely needed.

Conclusion: Two-time USB 3.0 is mandatory, all other connections are necessary according to personal needs.

12 Battery time
The manufacturer's instructions regarding the battery life only partially correspond to those in real usage. Who looked at many HD videos and is constantly connected to the wireless network, will the battery need to recharge faster again. In addition, the space requirement: The more powerful a battery, the larger and heavier it is - and thus the laptop also. Buyer should note that the power consumption increases and the capacity of the notebook and screen size.

Conclusion: For the battery life, the right settings - for example, the screen brightness - more important than the information provided by the manufacturer.

13 software
The notebook manufacturers have contracts with software vendors. To install the programs from the factory on the new devices and apply them. However, it is at the pre-installed applications are primarily to test versions of limited duration, intended to motivate purchase.

Conclusion: Except for the operating system software should not influence the purchasing decision

Monday 25 November 2013

Buyer's Guide: How to buy the right laptop

From friends and acquaintances I'll often asked: "I wanted to buy a laptop soon, can you tell me there recommend something?
There are several criteria and details, adjusted to the appropriate user, which should be considered when purchasing.
In the following article I will try to summarize briefly after which procedure lay a buy laptop can.

Display: Calculate Ideal Screen Size

First of all, you should definitely be aware, what screen size is right for you? The size of the display is often expressed in inches ("), the length is always based on the screen size (ie, the distance from the bottom left corner up to the top right-hand corner) refers. In the following, all common sizes are ascending, including utility models, described:
Netbooks and subnotebooks usually have a size between 10 and 12.1 inches and are suitable due to their small size, especially if you Move times in the cafe or at the university just quickly in surf internet or want to check email. These types of laptops are usually only as big as a book. For longer works, however, such a device, but not because of the small screen and the mostly poor performance, is suitable.
If one possesses at home already has a right desktop PC with a correspondingly large monitor and would like to work reasonably well outside the four walls and still be mobile, such a device is recommended with a screen size to 13 or 14 inches .Even the female sex, this laptop, not only because of the relatively low weight, especially preferred. So-called Ultrabooks, which are particularly narrow and thin, are often delivered with 14" or similar dimensions.
For those who want their laptop preferably used as a home computer or have no problem with transporting the machine to dimensions suitable for the 15-inch or larger. The price-performance ratio of this class of devices, due to the high sales volume, is usually better compared to smaller model classes.
To learn from the specified inch size, the actual size in inches you can use Google for translation by using their example, the following term: 14inches in cm.

Processor: Current generation

The heart of your laptop, the processor is immediately said how fast a laptop. Pay attention when buying that the corresponding processor, mostly from the company Intel or AMD, from a recent series or generation (eg Intel 4th generation i-processors). These are usually faster than their predecessors, despite the same number of cycles.
In normal market notebooks are mostly found i3, i5 or i7 processors. In normal everyday life, hardly aware of which of the three you actually possesses. In contrast to the i3 i5 has a turbo mode and can under heavy load automatically overclocks (made faster) be. An i7 brings again additionally more powerful than the i5, but you can find the best value for money in the i5 .
o    i3 : Bureau / Surfing/ Film
o    i5 : Office / surfing / movies / games +
o    i7 : Office / surfing / movies / games + +
Graphics Card: Do I need one?
In the current i3 to i7 processors have integrated graphics processors, called IGPs , usually available. These meet the requirements of older or not graphically complex games, such as "CS: GO" or "League of Legends". However, if you want the laptop as a gaming PC use, so a separate graphics card in the notebook is almost indispensable. But beware, some graphics cards cut in the benchmark tests, where appropriate, worse than the already integrated graphics processors. Look at best on various performance comparisons of graphics cards to find out the performance in comparison to the IGPs.

Ram: 4GB rich (almost always)

Normally rich 4GB RAM for a 0815 users. When you purchase the laptop however, it should be ensured that it is at least to DDR3 Ram is (eg: 1333MHz (1x 4096MB)). If you want to eventually install another RAM module. Only one Ram module on the appropriate size should be installed because the notebooks with usually only two slots available.

HDD: 500GB is more than enough, an SSD would be great

Meanwhile in laptops from 14 inches almost always a relatively large hard drive, usually 500GB installed. That's enough for more than 100 films FULL-HD per 4.7 GB or 100,000 images per 5 MB, so perfectly adequate for 95% of all users.
If it is possible, it makes sense to buy the laptop with a so-called SSD hard drive, or in combination with a HDD. Unlike normal hard drives here, the data are not stored by the magnetic disk, but electronically, as in the USB stick. Access times, write and read operations are here mostly shorter and energy-saving. The whole system works a lot faster then what you highly perceive just at startup.

Read customer reviews

Another important aspect of the laptop purchase is the feel, ergonomics and processing of a device. These criteria can, however, difficult to read out of the product description, so it is convenient to read customer reviews of other buyers. On websites, you will find interesting and helpful for almost all models reviewsAt a product rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars by more than 200 customers you can be almost sure that the appropriate device will not be a bad buy.
I hope I could help one or the other lay on the purchase of a device.

Friday 22 November 2013

How to Extend the Life of a ASUS 1005HA battery

Over time, the wear ASUS 1005HA battery down with repeated charging and discharging. Your use patterns and habits can make a difference in how long it takes to wear down the battery, though. Here's how to avoid those expensive laptop batteries to replace so often. Remove the battery from the laptop if you do not your laptop for extended periods of time (a week or more). expose the battery to high heat. leave your battery in your car in the summer. Hot batteries very quickly discharged. Plug your laptop charger adapter into a UPS and not directly into a power outlet or surge protector. , if you have a nickel-metal hydride battery, completely drain and recharge the battery once a month to their ability to maximize holding a charge. Fully charge new battery packs before use. fully charge and discharge a new battery must (cyclic) a few times before it for the full capacity. For laptops that work around as a desktop replacement , install the battery every 3-4 weeks and allowed to fully discharge him. leave a battery in a laptop while using an electrical outlet for long periods of time. hold This is the battery in a constant state of charging up and that will increase the life reduce the battery. Adjusting the screen brightness. If you use Windows on your laptop, there is an option in the Power Options control panel that helps you optimize the power consumption. You can use the laptop to idle when not in use for some time. It is also possible to adjust the brightness of the display on the laptop. This can make it longer battery life. program overload. Perform only the programs that you use at the time of use. Programs that run in the background, use more system resources and drain laptop battery. Keep a spare battery: A good idea is to have a spare battery. ASUS  battery are affordable and easily purchased online these days from the electronics sites. At least one fully charged at all times for a quick battery change. Some laptops can run with two batteries. Some laptops are also compatible with external batteries that can easily be added if needed.

Thursday 21 November 2013

How to connect a projector to a laptop?

This guide is meant to help all those who seek your projector to the laptop to connect but it just does not want to work. 

1 Notebook and projector stand up as they should stand later.
Beamer and laptop are still off.

2 Make the cable connections.
Insert the power cable from laptop and projector into a 230 volt outlet. now the cable connecting the projector and laptop connect. This cable and the socket is called VGA cable. 

VGA cable VGA cable into laptop and projector (the computer always IN jack use)

Some laptops and projectors still called a DVI connector, this one has a slightly better quality. If such connections are present, between projector and laptop  and a DVI cables are connected. This is done on the same white as the VGA cable. 
So the VGA connector looks.

3 Switch devices
First, turn on the projector and then turn on the laptop, in most cases, the projector then projected the image onto the canvas. If this is not the case, you can try the following.

4 Troubleshooting
- All check cable connections, especially the VGA cable is plugged into the correct socket on the projector (always pay attention to input or input or PC).  
- Check if the projector to the input signal "PC" or "Computer" is set. Many projectors have a button on the cabinet or the remote control where a search can be started. When this button is called Epson for example (source or Search) and looks like this. Now the projector investigated whether a signal is present at the socket or not.
- The most laptops have a hotkey to control the projector. Most need to FN and a further buttons are pressed simultaneously.Depending on the PC are the F5, F7, or F8, which is usually a symbol like the under on the keys. Depending on the manufacture must F. .. Button is pressed for a few seconds or two times pressed successively, that must try and read it.
FN key and F5 key at Toshiba at Toshiba

- If you use Windows 7 you can also  launch menu "Connect to a projector make" choose. 
Or just press Win + P key combination.
Now this window will open, here you double-click. 

!! In Windows 7 Starter there is not this multi-monitor.

- After her on double or the FN key + F. .. have pressed allow the projector once again looking for an input signal. 

If it still does not now then you really need to ask someone who knows.

5 Working with the extended desktop
Windows 7
The extended desktop is a great feature leaky it will briefly explain here. If you connect your projector to the notebook is normally your screen simply copied to the screen. That is all see what you are doing, you have on the desktop (your PC) which symbols or what picture. But that can be really stupid at Yugos, presentations or other situations. For the audience to be distracted and  unfocused.  
Since Advanced Desktop helps. In this mode, the PC does not simply copy your screen special shows only what you want.This makes especially in powerpoint or if you work with song Beamer, meaningful. 
With Windows 7, this is done using the command "Connect to a projector make the Start menu, then this window Öfent and you simply select" Extended "from. 
Now you can with PowerPoint or  just start your presentation, and no one sees her as she must be clicked with the mouse and placed over the right edge of the screen to the big screen. 
Here instead presented with a screen using a projector. 

Monday 18 November 2013

How is my laptop battery

My better half has (my old) laptop with Windows 7 Ultimate. I just wanted to see what makes the battery that way. I myself am one of the people of the "Battery grooming" the better half is plenty of care. So I shopped around a bit once the search engine of my choice to a free tool that both the current state of the battery displays, as well as charging cycles and other stuff.
Screenshot at 2009-12-11 14:17:35
In the screenshot you can see the tool in action. However, without battery, only on AC power, because I just can not access the battery (or the notebook did).BatteryCare is freeware and you can also call up various power saving modes next to the mere display.
On the MacBook I use this way, the coconutBattery , also freeware:
As I'm sitting on the iMac and have no desire to hoist my obese body to the MacBook, here is the screenshot directly from the manufacturer's website 
So if you buy a notebook or a MacBook once used, then take one of the tools to see if the battery is to still use the things cost as original ash yeah right good and cheap used laptops can be found on on the classified portal from ebay.
More about battery:

Sunday 17 November 2013

How do I keep my battery optimally

You have purchased a new battery? Recharge the battery for the first time at least 12 to 24 hours. This ensures that your battery is fully charged. After you fully discharge the battery the laptop automatically shut down. To achieve the battery from the beginning the full capacity charge the battery again below 3 or 4 times fully (not 12-24 hours, 3-4 hours is enough) and then fully discharge the battery (you can use the notebook use during discharge). Please observe these rules then your new laptop battery full capacity available and have the longest working time from the start. This step is crucial for the life of your battery.

Prevent your laptop unnecessarily hang all night on the charger. The battery is full and you are not using? Laptops unplug the charger and turn on the laptop.

Use your laptop as much as possible on battery power until the “critical battery" message appears. Then fully charge your batteries as indicated in the user manual. Prevent a complete discharge of your battery by switching. Energy management in fully discharge your Li-ion laptop battery can damage the battery.

Remove the battery from your laptop and keep it in a cool, dry, clean place if you do not use the battery for a period of one month or longer. When replacing the battery after this period using again? Make sure the battery is fully charged the first time.

Ensure maximum battery performance by optimizing power management features, such as turning off the screen after a few minutes, turn speed -step, etc.

More information about batteries: 

Thursday 14 November 2013

How and When to Charge Different Battery

batteries are immediately ready for use (assuming that they are loaded) and can be used in a reasonable, broad temperature range.
 To charge the batteries, however, there are certain limitations, and the user should the indications above, consider how and when you want to load. Each battery chemistry has its own charging recommendations. Batteries behave like human beings, and some reach old age, others die sooner. The biggest enemy of batteries is heat. It can probably be taken preach to improve life expectancy, but it is not possible to create an ideal environment. The following table describes the measures to be taken for optimum performance of a battery pack from the cradle to the grave.

Based on nickel (NiCd and NiMH)
Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)
Lead-acid (sealed or recessed)
How should I prepare my new battery?
Nickel-based batteries are shipped partially charged.Format new batteries with a charge 14 to 16 hours
Li-Ion batteries are partially charged loaned-plied. You can use and recharge the battery immediately if it becomes necessary.
Lead-acid batteries are shipped fully charged. The best results are obtained when a last batch is done to make sure the full charge.
Can I damage a battery if it has not been properly prepared?
No, without formatting the performance is first weakened and improved through use.
No, Li-Ion works equally well, whether partially or fully loaded.There is no formatting necessary, even with new batteries.
Lead-acid, a saturated charge required for good performance. The loading process can take about 10 hours.
How should I prepare battery with charge indicator?
Charging the battery fully discharged. Repeat if display is unreliable.
Charging the battery fully discharged.Repeat if display is unreliable.
Greater lead-acid batteries use a different charging indicator as nickel or lithium-based batteries.
If the total battery energy is depleted before the charging process?
Yes, a full discharge every 1-3 months to prevent the memory effect. It is not necessary to discharge the battery completely before each charge. Too frequent cycles consume a NiMH battery.
No, it is better to make frequent charges, total deep discharges are vermeiden.Ja, performing a total discharge once per month is the capacity indicator back in laptops.
No, it is better to recharge more often; Frequently, total discharges should be avoided. Deep discharge cycles damage the battery. Use a larger battery if full cycles are required.
Should I charge my battery partially or fully charge?
Allow full charge without interruption. Re-fetched, some charging can cause a rise in temperature.(Many chargers terminate charge due to the temperature. Vollgelade A-ner battery will heat up again, which can lead to over-charge)
Unimportant. Charging in stages is acceptable.The end of the charge is determined by measuring the voltage. Charging a full battery is safe and does not cause harm to the battery.
Unimportant. Charging in stages is acceptable. The end of the charge is determined by measuring the voltage. Charging a full battery is safe and does not cause harm to the battery.
If the battery stay charged when not in use?
Not critical. The manufacturers recommend a 40% charge for long storage. . Store the battery in a cool place The battery can be fully discharged and then recharged. Formatting is necessary.
Best for storage is a 40% charge. Cooler storage is more important than charge. Not completely ig discharged because the protection circuit in Li-ion can open.
Yes, you always keep the battery fully charged. When a discharged battery sulfating may occur (which can isolate the conductors in the cells)? This condition is not irreversible if it is not corrected immediately.
Heats up when charging a battery?
Yes, at full charge. The battery must be something cool for use. Stuck uninterrupted chenes leave the charger heats the battery for a standby function.
No, just a little heating takes place during charging. A larger laptop battery can be quite warm. Be concerned that the battery is not too much heated during charging.
No, the battery should remain cool or lukewarm. While a pivoting loading of the battery must remain cold.
What are allowed Ladetem temperatures?
Important: Rechargeable batteries can be used in a wide temperature range. However, this does not automatically permitted at a charge equal to extreme environmental conditions. The maximum allowable charging temperatures are as follows:
Slow charge (0.1C) Fast (0.5-1.0 C)
0 ° - 45 ° C 5 ° - 45 ° C.

0 ° - 45 ° C 5 ° - 45 ° C

0 ° - 45 ° C 5 ° - 45 ° C.

What should I know about chargers?
The best results are obtained with fast charger, stop the charging process with criteria other than temperature measurement.
The charger should be able to perform a full charge. Avoid cheap chargers that only carry a 1-hour charge. Shortest time for a fully charged is 2 to 3 hours.
Charge in several steps shorten the charging time. The charge must be fully implemented. Other-wise, the capacity gradually decreased. Shortest duration for a full charge is 8 to 14 hours.

More about batteries: